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Our Founders


Richard L. Nevins, MD

Rick Nevins was the Chief Clinical Officer and VP, Research & Development, for IHPM – and a health care strategist and consultant to both the care delivery and business sides of the medical profession.  His interests and knowledge of medicine ran wide and deep – from designing and developing evidence-based clinical care delivery systems for acute and chronic care management; to using predictive modeling and analysis of care patterns to improve clinical, financial and functional healthcare outcomes; as well as to designing and developing telemedicine and Internet Healthcare Systems.


Sean Sullivan, JD

Sean Sullivan is Co-Founder, President and CEO of the Institute for Health and Productivity Management (IHPM) and its WorkPlace Wellness Alliance (WPWA – created by the World Economic Forum and now managed and sustained by IHPM).  The Institute is a global enterprise working with employers and other stakeholders around the world to improve the health, wellbeing and productivity of employees, and maximize its impact on business performance.  


William B. Bunn III, MD, JD, MPH

“Dr. Bill” was a seminal figure in the emerging field of Health and Productivity Management, and a key member of IHPM’s original “brain trust” from its founding 24 years ago. He founded the Institute’s peer-reviewed journal (IJHP) in 2006 and remained its Editor-in-Chief until his passing. After retirement from his ‘unique-in-the-world’ role as Navistar International’s Vice President of Health, Safety, Productivity & Security (1995 – 2012) he also became IHPM’s Consulting Global Medical Director, as well as maintaining his own international consulting practice and teaching at the Medical University of South Carolina. 

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Deborah Love

Deborah Love is EVP, COO, and International Liaison of the Institute for Health and Productivity Management (IHPM), and also serves on its board. In addition, she is General Manager of the Academy for Health and Productivity Management (AHPM) – the teaching arm of the Institute – Editor of IHPM publications & media: Health & Productivity Management magazine, International Journal of Health & Productivity (IJHP) and Managing Director of IHPM’s global WorkPlace Wellness Alliance. 

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